What are Salmon Parks?
Salmon Parks are Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) on land and in the ocean that are designated under Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation (MMFN) law.
Salmon Parks are critical habitats that salmon rely on throughout their life cycle.
Salmon Parks are currently made-up of about 66,000 hectares of coastal rainforest, of which 39,000 hectares are old growth forest.
WHERE are Salmon Parks?
Salmon Parks are located in the hahuuthli of the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation (MMFN) ha’wiih (hereditary leaders) on the central west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Salmon Parks have been declared throughout MMFN territory, including the Burman, Muchalaht, Gold, Conuma, Tahsis, Leiner, Perry, Kendrick and Marvinus watersheds.
WHO is involved in Salmon Parks?
Salmon Parks are led and managed by the ha’wiih of the Mowachaht/ Muchalaht First Nation.
The Salmon Parks staff team is comprised of a General Manager, an Operations Manager, a Community Engagement Coordinator, the RELAW Coordinator and an Administrative Assistant.
WHAT kind of organization is Salmon Parks
The Salmon Parks Stewardship Society is a not-for-profit organization that was set up by MMFN to implement Salmon Parks. The MMFN Council of Chiefs appoints the Directors of the Society.
HOW are Salmon Parks funded?
The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council and several environmental organizations, including CPAWS-BC, Ducks Unlimited and West Coast Environmental Law, provided in-kind support to Salmon Parks between 2019 and 2022.
In 2023, several more environmental organizations provided substantial financial support to Salmon Parks, including the Sitka Foundation, Nature Based Solutions Foundation, Nature United, and the Indigenous Watershed Initiative.
In November 2023, Salmon Parks received a $15.2 million grant from Environment and Climate Change Canada that will be disbursed over three government fiscal years, from 2023-2024 to 2025-2026.
WHAT are the next steps for Salmon Parks?
Establish a Salmon Parks Community Advisory Council within MMFN to provide regular input to the Salmon Parks Stewardship Society on community values, goals, and priorities.
With support from West Coast Environmental Law, document the Nuu-chah-nulth laws regarding salmon and the hahuuthli so that an Indigenous legal foundation for Salmon Parks can be developed and approved.
Negotiate an agreement with BC to work together to designate and implement Salmon Parks as an MMFN led Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA).
Secure the lands that have been identified for protection so that they can be designated under MMFN and BC law as IPCAs.
Obtain funding to set up a Guardian program for Salmon Parks that is led, managed and staffed by MMFN community members.